With these ethical principles we regulate the basic attitude of the members of the SGfB. This is based on respect for universal human rights and consideration for individual, gender, cultural, religious and social differences.
By respect is meant the unconditional acceptance of the client (individuals, couples, families, groups, teams, organizations) in awareness of their individual, gender, religious, social and cultural imprints. It does not imply unqualified affirmation of their behavior and actions.
Integrity, self-determination, and the client’s privacy are central to counseling.
Integrity recognizes the client’s right to physical and psychological boundaries and protection from abuse.
Self-determination recognizes the client’s right to enter into and end a counseling relationship voluntarily and without influence, whether initiated directly or indirectly. Freedom of expression is respected, as is the expression of needs and concerns.
Privacy is protected. Uncoordinated or inappropriate observation by others, external disturbances, and outside interference during counseling are inappropriate. Confidential information given during the consultation is subject to the duty of confidentiality.
Counselors should only provide services and use methods that they are qualified and legitimized to do through education, training, and experience. They ensure a high level of professional competence. They take into account the findings of research, incorporate developments into their work, and recognize the need for their own learning process.
As members of the SGfB, the associations, federations and institutions are responsible for drawing up their own ethical rules and also ensure compliance with them. These must be in accordance with the ethical principles of the SGfB.
These ethics principles are based on the “Philosophical Foundations” of the European Association for Counseling, EAC. They entered into force on May 2, 2006.
Conflict and Grievance Procedures
The SGfB Ethical Principles govern the basic attitude of SGfB members. This is based on respect for universal human rights and on respect for individual, gender, cultural, religious and social differences. In the event of a violation of these basic principles, a conflict and complaint procedure may be initiated (fee: CHF 200.-). Please contact the SGfB office for information on how to proceed.